We finally got the date for the install of the lifts for the trailer in the lower mainland of BC.Which means that we could finally start making some definite plans!I've spent the last day researching RV parks near Seattle and Portland (we plan to spend a couple of days near both cities-Seattle, for some sightseeing and Portland, for a lot of shopping... We've been putting off quite a few purchases until we could get to the STATES and the better deals that we can find there.) From Portland we will head south to our new home for the next six months, we should arrive on Halloween! I'll have to find out what the kids there do for trick-or-treating.
on the other hand, we have so much to pack yet so little of it can be packed very far ahead of time. I guess the last few days will be crunch time! Right now, we are busy making plans for a Canadian Thanksgiving next weekend and then the weekend after we are having a little "Hasta la Vista"drop-in goodbye party-by then we should be packed and ready to go!
Well, I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to go with this post... Somehow, I don't think you're interested in seeing boxes of bathroom items or toys which are ready to be packed into the trailer!
Sounds great. Trick or Treating varies greatly from region to region, even town to town. Just ask around when you get ther.e